New American Community Survey Data available

While we’re waiting for the Decennial Census data to released there is new cumulative American Community Survey (ACS) material.
(from the Bureau of the Census)
“The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides data every year — giving communities the current information they need to plan investments and services. Information from the survey generates data that help determine how more than $400 billion in federal and state funds are distributed each year.

To help communities, state governments, and federal programs, we ask about:
age, sex, race, family and relationships, income and benefits, health insurance, education, veteran status, disabilities, where you work and how you get there, where you live, and how much you pay for some essentials

All this detail is combined into statistics that are used to help decide everything from school lunch programs to new hospitals.

They’ve recently added 2005-2009 ACS 5-year estimates most of which can be found in American Factfinder
* Most detailed tables
* All data and narrative profiles
* All subject tables
* All geographic comparison tables & thematic maps
* Estimates available to the Census Tract level
*Browse the list of detailed tables not available on American FactFinder here.”

Also check out their terrific thematic maps!

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